Get to know me

I really didn't want to start this off with a cliché hi but here it goes.


I'm Christa and this is my blog.

As you might have figured out I named the blog after me because I'm narcissistic like that and because it connotes the idea that I have something to say which in fact I do. about. everything. I like to describe myself as being quite opinionated and well apart from this self-generated opinion about myself, my friends like to back me up on this observation so I'm going to use this platform as an outlet to vent. Vent my frustration and approval about various topics.  I am exercising my right to free speech and so should you so that is why this place is a safe space. Over time I will be discussing various topics regarding social issues and what thoughts I have generated on that topic. I look forward to sharing my ideologies and beliefs with you all.

To get things started off this week, as I was scrolling on my facebook feed like all brainwashed millennials do I came across this article which appalled me really. It got me thinking were do this woman's rights start and the manager's administrative powers end? I get that this is your business and your gym but why would you want to jeopardise a whole demographic of clientele when this woman wasn't offending anyone by working out in her sports bra. I get that it's disheartening to new clients but she obviously worked hard for that body and why not show it off? This policy that you clearly made up on the spot as no other gym has this policy put a bad name next to your brand. Your on the spot policy can easily be your downfall and clearly, that lady along with an army of angry commenters might take their business elsewhere. Ultimately the issue was settled as this is the gym's policy and she knew what she was signing up for but still if that was a shirtless man would the same policy apply?

Until next time,


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